Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Groton Gophers welcome their newest gopher, Polly Case-Codner, at the Cazenovia Chilly Chili.

Once again many of the Groton Gophers began their season at the Cazenovia Chilly Chili.

Veteren Ray Wagner stated that he was going to go out strong the first mile, and die after that. (Ray, the wisdom of Walt Stack is start slow and taper from there.) Ray hit the first mile at 7:35 followed by Ron Moore and Steve Gallow at around 7:45.

After that it wasn't until mile 2.5 that Ron and Steve caught Ray. From there Ron and Steve battled it out until the finish line. All the running Gophers came in strong:

Steve Gallow placed 151 out of 734 with a time of 23:55 a 7:42 pace.

Ron Moore placed 153 out of 734 with a time of 24:03 a 7:45 pace.

Ray Wagner place 161 out of 734 with a time of 24:09 a 7:47 pace.

All Three shattered their previous times from last year.

Judy, Polly, and Kris all said that the time doesn't matter and sugguested that we get a life.

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