On The Edge
I had been waiting at the starting village for over an hour before the race in 31 degree temperatures. By the time the race was ready to start, my body was shaking from the cold and I was concerned that I was losing valuable energy before the race. However, when the gun went off I felt great. So great that I punched out 7.15 min/miles for the first two miles. At mile three I decided to fall back to 7.30's and begin pacing for the long haul. By mile 6 I had banked 45 seconds towards my goal and was feeling pretty good about it. This meant that I could maintain pace throughout the race and go in easy. By the time I was at mile 8 I had lost 15 seconds. By mile 10 I had lost another 15 seconds and I was beginning to fight the fatigue. At mile 12 I was 7 seconds behind and started experiencing muscle cramps in my calves. I didn't want to be in this situation - I had it easy back at mile 6 with my banked time and now I was behind. I had to make tough, painful decisions right at that moment. If I wanted it, I was going to have to work for it and experience some pain. Incredible pain. I was so close and I was staring at failure. To be that close to my goal and not achieve it - to me - was not an option. I took off and experienced one of the most painful but incredible moments in my running career. I pushed beyond any threshold I ever experienced before and took my PR out of failure's hands. I will never forget this experience and I will never forget the lesson.
Sometimes it will get tough. Sometimes I will be on the sharp edge of failure and success. I will have to make split timing decisions when that happens. I will have to experience incredible pain to succeed. First I have to have the will power. After that, the rest has already been decided.
A quote I have been thinking about lately: In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. - Anonymous
The time has come. I have the willpower.
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